How to use custom pronunciation

How to use custom pronunciation

Available in 4.0.6 and later versions.
Custom pronunciation is a function that makes the voice engine read a specific word as a word I defined.

Custom pronunciation example

You can define your own pronunciations to omit strings in parentheses or make certain strings read differently, like this.
  1. Apply regular expression : Delete all strings within \(.*\) brackets
  1. Change nero to vocat
notion image
Finally, hello nero (bye bye) is read as hello vocat.

How to create custom pronunciation

  1. Go to My Page β†’ Settings (βš™οΈ) β†’ Custom Pronunciation
  1. Click Add at the top right of the page.
  1. Enter your custom pronunciation information and click Add Pronunciation.
    1. notion image
      • Language : Language to which you want to apply your own pronunciation
      • Word : word you want to change
      • Pronunciation : Pronunciation to read to replace word (leave blank if you do not want to read it)

Examples of using regular expressions

Regular expressions allow you to select words using a pattern. If you need help, please contact [email protected].
  • Omit words enclosed in parentheses
    • Word : \(.*\)
    • Pronunciation : Leave blank
  • Omit numbers
    • Word : \d
    • Pronunciation : Leave blank

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